Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Professional Source

Forsman, Simonet, Diana, Lisa. "Understanding the GLBTQ Diversity in the Classroom." Running Head: GLBTQ in the Classroom. Hamlin University, Minnesota. 25 Nov. 2003.

This article mentions that as classrooms continually become more of a melting pot for students in the future, GLBTQ needs to be introduced more into classrooms. The article stresses that it is a teacher's responsibility to educate themselves on the topic in order to enforce a zero tolerance rule for discrimination against sexual orientation. GLBTQ students continue to drop out of schools at a 26% rate due to the lack of inclusion of GLBTQ in classrooms. Some more diverse school communities provide programs due to the increasing number of homosexual family types in schools. Overall, this article emphasizes the importance of educating children about GLBTQ and providing resources in order to achieve an anti-bias classroom.

I agree with many of the ideas presented in this article about introducing GLBTQ information to children. I'm concerned about the possibilities for this to occur due to school guidelines, but feel guidelines must also adjust for changes over time. However, I do feel that drastic changes for the GLBTQ community in schools will be a lengthy process. Change will occur, however small changes will be made to eventually progress to major adjustments in schools. Overall, I was very excited to find an article that advocates for changes to be made in the current school communities!

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